Saturday, 4 April 2015

Alien in My Own Country

‘’Yes, I am a Hindu and I am feeling alien in my own country.’’ India, historically has been identified as a country of Hindus i.e. of people following a certain type of lifestyle and culture. And hence in South East Asia it’s more commonly known as Hindustan which means the Land of Hindus. Yet, the majority suffers and gives up to this stupid political agenda of Divide and Rule more commonly known as ‘Secularism’. For years together this land gave shelters to all those faiths and practises which were alien to Vedic Dharma and persecuted from around the world despite knowing its repercussions and giving them equal rights. Still Hindus have been criticised of being most unsophisticated animals. Hindus are termed most intolerant and most communal to live with! In fact the so called Indian Secular Intellectuals (ISI) has been in forefront of attacking and testing the patience of this community. ‘’Any minor assault of any type on other religious always needs to be done by Hindus’’ this has become a daily and routine argument given.


Recent instances seem to be pointing at rather a vicious agenda to malign Hindus. For what reasons is best known to all. A church is attacked or rather is said to be attacked and the ones to blame are Hindus! Really? From when has theft become a religious issue? From when has burglary become vandalization? From when has rape become an issue of religious harmony? And surprisingly every time the culprit needs to be a Hindu? And after investigation when it comes out to be an enmity between Church and goons then all go silent! Why?

Let us take this issue. Recently in Mangalore, March 19, 2015 A Banana Garden in a Christian community was ransacked and a Saffron Flag was laid in gardens just to signify that Hindu outfits are on rampage. Later investigations showed up that it was a ploy made by Christians themselves to create mistrust and disturb the religious harmony so as to blame a certain community (obviously Hindus) on the same day when Hindu Samajotsav was being organized in the city. Here, have a look as reported in a newspaper.

Did anyone report it? Were Hindus crying conspiracy? Instead there was no hallelujah and law took its own course and criminals were punished. But did we see any outrage by any politicians or media or ISI? Nope. Because outraging on this might make them “Saffron terrorist”. NO OFFENCE MEANT.

But the way it’s being said and the message was sent clearly defines what agenda is being followed by whom.

An attack on Church with a single stone being pelted out of enmity and a glass being broken makes it to the top of the news but a minor blast at Belur Math premise and all go dumb. So are these attacks really on minority or are these selective outrage a part of bigger propaganda by some organizations and outfits?

I was shocked to know that nowadays even Rape is being communalised! A nun is gang raped is of course a serious matter and is most heinous crime and condemnable. But does a gang rape of a nun imply that it’s an act done by Hindu outfits or Hindus? The gang rape of a nun when dug deep into came out to be a part of theft by Bangladeshi’s! There was no ISI or MSM telling you this! But the ones blamed were Hindus.

This attack on minority institutions has no pattern and neither is it somehow connected with BJP being in power. These are general crimes which were happening during all regimes. So is it just a co incidence that these are being given a flavour with a mirch masala when there’s BJP at centre? Same was the pattern during Vajpayee Government and same is it during Modi Government. Only difference is Vajpayee Government could have been toppled as it was a coalition and this Government cannot be as its being given a full-fledged mandate to rule.

Point to be noted is that there is a rise in number of thefts at religious institution and this is highly objectionable as well as condemnable. But blaming majority every time and making them culpable is neither fair nor just! Its unacceptable. The reason: Vote Bank and conversions

It is not as if only minority is being attacked but more than 200 temples were attacked by goons in just three months in Delhi alone! Can u imagine what it could be nationwide? But was there any outrage? No because it was a law and order issue and majority is educated enough to understand what is communal and what is law and order problem.

Target is simple and fixed. The theory is same and the way to carry it out is too same. But are Hindus ready yet? For how long will Hindus bear this selective outrage and selective victimization? And after observing this all question arises : Are Hindus really hatemongers? Or is someone else? Those unable to digest India’s progress……… National or International……………???!!!!

The Hindu organizations are called Saffron Taliban by ISI and MSM. Do these people know what it means by Taliban? Had these people called spade a spade somewhere else they would have been killed! But here Hindus silently suffer and digest the humiliation without knowing the TRUTH! After the  attack on Charlie Hebdo  there were many in India especially Indian Secular Intellectuals and Indian Intellectual Mafia (IIM) which questioned if tomorrow they say something about Hinduism will they too be attacked. Had it been the case, had Hinduism been so intolerant as others they would not have been alive as yet to question. Day in and day out Hindus are humiliated and compared with Taliban etc but all those are still alive. As safe as any other citizen in this country. But are we ready to digest a fact that some non Congress and pro Hindu party can actually deliver what India needs and craves for?

But not surprised as all this selective bombings come exactly after The Government has blocked foreign funding to a large section of organizations and outfits which are working against India’s demographic and economic and national interests.

Just a rebut to Secular Journalists : Free Thinkers and Bloggers are killed in India’s neighbourhood but you guys are safe and sound. This speaks a lot why India is safe until Hindus enjoy majority……… But alas today intellectually and demographically India has a threat. If Hindus don’t act wisely, India’s glory will be lost.

A systematic targeting of majority community comes only when there is a right wing Government at the centre and this should act as an enough evidence for Hindus to wake up………..