Monday, 29 September 2014

Media against Modi

And The Hate Campaign Continues...........


It was 16th May 2014. That was a historic day for India! India got a government wid absolute majority rather I wud say India voted for a stable government. All d opinion polls n exit polls by ‘Political Pundits’ as Mr.PM terms them to be stood nullified. The People of India decided what they wish d future India to be n voted likewise. But while it was a moment of celebrations for d whole of India that voted for HOPE, some group of elites n 5 star activists were in deep frustration. And not only Indian elites even d international journalists too were in drown in deep gloom for it was a BLACK DAY for them! For all their efforts of one full year to project Mr.PM as danger n threat to d Republic Of India were dumped into yet another waste truck in which all d actual fringe elements were already present.
Altogether they were unable to digest the fact that d person whom all d journalists n elites hated d most, a person who practices Hinduism, a person who once was related to RSS a social n cultural organization today has become d H’ble Prime Minister Of India! The very fact that Mr.PM is an ardent follower of Hinduism and has d guts to take decisions n risks makes them wary. Apart from this if India really progresses n reaches to d zenith of being Super Power without any scams or polarization then how will this elite group survive? They need masala news for gaining TRP’s which was provided to them by previous governments but today d government esp. Mr.PM has kept media away from themselves which creates a great problems! Since 2002 Mr.Modi has been through constant media trials for his alleged role in riots ( which in fact is just a hype n a blatant lie by media because He was nowhere in d picture of riots in 2002 and He’s given a clean chit by SC itself ) and has been questioned for using POTA to curb terrorism in Gujarat.
Here is an interesting fact that whenever there was an encounter n terrorists were killed ( most of whom belonged to a specific religion ) These terrorists were given a status of Martyr n Mr.Modi was projected as a person opposed to Islam! Hypocrisy lies here as according to these elites Mr.Modi was at fault for mere reason that majority of terrorists belonged to a particular religion as if He himself asked them to do so! Mr.Modi is on record to say that He is not in any case responsible for any of these acts even SIT report says so still people like Barkha Dutt of NDTV, Rajdeep Sardesai previously wid CNN now wid India Today Network, Arundhati Roy an open supporter of Naxalism , Sagarika Gosh previously wid CNN and wife of celebrated journalist who recently in NY told d world that he still is a dumb person, Arnab Goswami who keeps shouting unnecessarily on Times Now n always makes it clear in no case should his channel project Modi as a hero ( D fact is while PM is in US Times Now projects that Arnab is in US n this is very important thing even most important than d PM himself!), Rahul Kanwal & Karan Thapar both wid India Today Network who r opposed to d very idea of Hinduism, Vinod Mehta of Outlook who should now b declared a Congress spokesperson, Kumar Ketkar is a senior Marathi journalist who yet another watchdog of Congress etc keep blaming Mr.Modi for a very condemnable incident where He had no role to play at all! At All! In Isharat Jahan case when everyone who condemned Modi became deaf n dumb  when a terrorist group in Pakistan announced that she was indeed a terrorist of their own organization! No one till date has tried to get into that matter for years together now when once d same elites went to speak rubbish against Mr.Modi!
This was all about past. Let’s see if d changing winds r affecting those liars or not. When Mr.Modi became PM of this largest democracy in d world I thought that this would b a served as a tight slap to all media hubs who once criticised Mr.Modi too much but to my much despair these activists have doubled their efforts to try n malign Mr.Modi’s image even more. Criticism is necessary n is helpful n its always welcome no doubt but a mixture of extremism n pessimism is dangerous more than terrorism! It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Free Media Terrorism is more dangerous than actual terrorism itself! In India we have free media n we deem it to b d fourth pillar of democracy. But instead of fourth pillar it is acting as a hanging pillar which if collides down everything will b messed up! And d situation is already worse ; in coming years might get worst!
 I remember some Chinese reports blaming d Indian Media foe tough ties between d two nations. And it is true to quite some extent as whenever ties with China are focused Indian Media starts rubbishing China and same goes with Pakistan. Whenever India is close to resolve any issue Media starts mocking that initiative and embarrasses d government totally. I remember when at Mr.PM’s swearing in ceremony all SAARC leaders were invited including Pak PM Nawaz Sharif Media criticised this move so badly went on to declare that Mr.Modi is playing double standards even before He was sworn in as PM. There is never a focus on d effect of Sino India ties or Ino Pak ties for that matter into d whole sub continent! No focus is paid on relations of India wid B’desh n Afghanistan! No media hub highlights d facts so important that our own neighbours might become our biggest enemies if not dealt with them carefully.  When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited India , he was given a grand welcome by PM himself Arnab Goswami ; editor in chief of Times Now debated on the issue that How correct is it to give a grand welcome to Chinese Prez. Is this an issue to b debated? Does he not know that China can play a major role in helping take India’s economy back on track? Does he not know how Sino India ties r strategically important for d Sub continent ?  He was openly condemning this welcome n was constantly criticising Chinese President. Same goes with Pakistan. Interestingly when Pak guests r invited as a panel on his program they insult H’ble Prime Minister of India still Arnab keeps mum. He never asks them to take their words back. No . One first n last time it happened when Modi Government called off talks wid Pak n Arnab asked our esteemed guests to shut up! When Iraq crisis raked up everyone started criticising n doubting if Indians trapped there wud return alive or not but when Indian Government won this diplomatic challenge no one, absolutely no one lauded d government’s initiatives n their efforts!
When the budget session of Newly Formed Government was going on n in Rail Budget it was declared that Bullet Trains would be soon introduced everyone started mocking this announcement. Then d focus shifted on pathetic conditions of Railways in India. Was d media blind during past 3 decades? Why did d media woke up to tell d government that situations of Railways is so bad n u try to fool us by announcing introduction of Bullet Trains after d budget? This was not d situation that rose up on 16th May, its prevailing from decades together but was d media right in criticising d government only when big announcements were made??? Before that budget day there was no mention of railways by media n only focus was politics! Each n every initiative by d new government is been hopelessly criticised for d mere reason that no one saw such big initiatives previously n when d Mr.Modi is telling people ‘YES WE CAN’ then only is media creating a hype!Without telecasting Acche Din media is aking where r Acche din? Complete Hypocrisy!!
This was all about biased views. My next point is d extreme criticism of Mr.Modi. I was just checking d excitement on twitter when PM is on his very first US trip as Indian Leader n what I saw was that some Congressmen n leftists were unable to digest that Mr.Modi is quite popular in d world not less that any celebrity. They openly started calling PM a feku! Feku! Is this d language one uses out of envy for H’ble PM of largest democracy of world. I agree that once in a while even we called names to former PM but the criticism was for valid reasons. Here d criticism is just because not these people but a Nationalist Leader n PM of India is getting a grand welcome at Madison Square! Sanjay Jha n Vinod Mehta twitted that PM spoke at an empty UNGA. Empty UNGA! I must remind those elites that after Mr.Modi’s speech as a global statesman at UNGA delegations of over 100 countries were lined up to congratulate him! He was lauded for that on news channels by American High profiles! But these sickuliars convincingly turned a blind eye towards it n spoke rubbish! Recently after Madison Square turned out to b a Modison Square The Economist a leading daily published an article which went on  to use very bad language for Indian Premiere. No medis hub has highlighted this but I condemn this ridiculous attempt to malign the image of Indian Leader n through this blog I demand an unconditional apology from d daily to for insulting our leader n as a citizen of India I feel that I have a right to ask for this this coz My leader is being insulted for no reasons!
It was exactly some time before d PM’s historic speech at Madison Square gardens when Rajdeep Sardesai ( the very deep (lamp) which never lightened) insulted a Modi supporter for being pro Modi! Look at the temperament Rajdeep has! If anyone supports Modi insult him in front of camera is what he believes in! I thank Zee News for exposing Rajdeep n his wife Sagarika for their role in cash for vote scam! Rajdeep made it clear that his going through immense frustration n depression he is suffering from as all his efforts r in vain for projecting Modi negatively! After that too when PM was done with his speech Sardesai was at Times Square where Indian American’s started chanting ‘Modi,Modi’ He asked them ,’Did ur Modi not tell u to b disciplined in public life?’ He further asked them,’Has anyone paid u to visit n hear what PM has to say?’ Now what to say? My salute to this person for all his failed efforts to malign Mr.Modi’s image and this is since 2002.Once Mr.Modi was giving an interview , Rajdeep  was given a tight slap for all his rubbish questions and Modi exposed his intentions. That day he asked Mr.Modi ‘ Do u think that in some way 2002 has been a hurdle in ur political carrer n is stopping to u reach heights?’ Now Mr.Sardesai ask d same question to d public n what u get is a stight slap by NRI!!  .......My sympathies are with him............Get well soon!!
Today this elite group is trying hard to portray Modi negatively but beware guys People know the truth today n have reposed their faith in their leader n if u unnecessarily try to dig into it what u r awarded is a slap by NRI’s!!
Note: Opinions stated above r strictly personal........

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